
Charisma Ehresman Was Found Dead In Chicago

Charisma Ehresman

Charisma Ehresman, a Triton College student, was discovered dead in Chicago after going missing under “strange circumstances.” At the time of her death, the student was 20 years old. Her death was declared a murder by the Cook County Medical Examiner because she was strangled and suffocated. Charisma Ehresman was discovered dead in her automobile in the 5900 block of West Iowa Street, in the city’s Austin area.

Charisma Ehersman was in her first year of nursing school. She had enrolled at River Grove College but kept it a secret from her pals since she wanted to surprise them. Jeffery Ehresman, her father, stated:

“She wanted to be able to say, ‘I accomplished this myself.'”

Charisma Ehresman’s family is raising funds to meet her funeral costs.

Charisma Ehresman was reported missing after failing to show up for work or contact her family, which was unusual. Charisma, according to her father, was not the sort of person who would run away from home or spend the night out. He stated:

“At the age of 20, she texted her mother, ‘Mom, heading to such and so’s place, will be back in a few hours.'”

Charisma Ehresman


Her choice of career came as no surprise, As her father put it: “That’s how she is; she wants to assist others.” She’s always wanted to assist others.”

Kathy and Sheila Ehresman, family members, set up a GoFundMe campaign in the aim of gathering funds to meet funeral costs. At the time of writing, the campaign has raised more than $14,780, bringing it closer to its $18,000 target. The fundraiser received a $2000 donation from an anonymous source.


Charisma’s grandma Kathy wrote:

“We are grateful to everyone who contributed money, time, and prayers to help us bring our baby daughter home.” We are incredibly privileged to have received such an incredible outpouring of love and support.”

“As we prepare to commemorate her life, which ended much too soon, we are looking out to people who can assist us in providing Charisma with the magnificent monument she deserves.”