Ryan Biggs, popularly known as DJ Delete, a popular DJ, died recently at the age of 30. On April 30, Biggs was discovered inside his house in Waalwijk, South Holland. The announcement comes only a few days after Biggs revealed his rebirth in an Instagram post. Ryan’s cause of death has not been determined as of yet, however, police are not seeing his death as suspicious. More information about his funeral has yet to be released, and a formal statement from his family members is needed.
Everything there is to know about DJ Delete
DJ Delete was known for his hard-hitting and raw tracks, with a strong emphasis on providing hardstyle with attitude. He joined Theracords in 2013 and worked closely with Spoontech Records’ inventor and longtime friend Vizard behind the scenes. He was dubbed the “King of Gated Kicks,” a sonic technique employed in his songs. His greatest song, Payback, starring MC Tha Watcher, earned two million views on YouTube and eight million Spotify listens after its release in 2018.
Biggs has played at some of the world’s most prestigious hardstyle festivals, including Defqon.1, Loudness, Q-BASE, Dominator, Hard Bass, Supremacy, and others. Ryan disclosed in March 2021 that he has suffered through a series of sad incidents since arriving in Europe in 2013. He has previously spoken publicly about his struggle with depression, which has caused delays in the release of his albums. On Facebook, he once wrote:
“Over the last several years, my battle with depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses has become worse with each passing year.” My sadness never completely went away… Since the release of my record at the end of 2018, things have darkened again.”
He described how despair is crippling and makes even the simplest tasks difficult. It robbed him of his capacity to produce anything substantial, and whereas completing music was once second nature, it now seemed like ascending a massive mountain. Ryan also claimed that he sought assistance after being overwhelmed by taking on many projects at the start of 2021 when fans wanted him to make more songs. He said, ”
“I simply began it much too optimistically and scheduled releases when I really shouldn’t have, but the silver lining is that I finally made the decision to get treatment.” “I’ve finally begun taking medicine, obtaining psychologic therapy, and so on.”
He mentioned that he left his birthplace to follow his aspirations as a hardstyle DJ and producer and that the distance was difficult for his family.
Fans pay homage on Twitter.
DJ Delete became well-known for his distinct musical style. When word of his death spread, Twitter was inundated with tributes:
On Thursday I played an old @Delete_DJ track and noted I hadn’t spoke to him for a while and how I need to drop him a line to catch up.
Today we woke up to the news he’s passed away
Rest in Peace Ryan May your music outlive us all pic.twitter.com/Vtsefr7Fgk
— Kutski (@Kutski) May 1, 2022
@Delete_DJ Rest in peace brother
— Code Black (@codeblackmedia) May 1, 2022
Biggs’ father Gary, mother Yvonne, sister Jess, stepmother Annmaree, and stepbrothers Grant and Jeremy survive him. His stepmother has set up a GoFundMe campaign to seek money to return his corpse to Australia.